Professional Photographers of America is a non-profit organization whose roots reach back into the 19th century. It was officially founded in 1880 and with its current number of 35K members, it is the world’s largest photography organization. Professional Photographers of America, or, PPA, states their mission is “to create a vibrant community of successful professional photographers by providing education, resources and industry standards of excellence.”
Well, at least that was its mission. I mean, those words are still on their website, and many of us desperately want that to be true, but a quick look around and you realize this ain’t your mama’s PPA.
Now, before I delve into the current round of unbelievable PPA shenanigans, let me say in no uncertain terms that no organization, be it for-profit or non-profit, is perfect. Organizations are run by people, and as the late great Jimmy Buffett reminds us, “Human beings are flawed individuals—the cosmic bakers took us out of the oven a little too early.” Flub ups happen. They are to be expected. Those “oops” moments wherein someone drops the ball and makes the organization look bad. The clean up crew has to then come in and apologize and make amends and change procedures so that they don’t make the same mistake down the road.
But those are just stupid mistakes. They happen. No one is really getting their knickers in a twist over this stuff. Fun to joke about, but no real harm done.
What we are talking about now with the esteemed PPA, is more than just an “OMG. Karen…tell me you didn’t use a photo of a dog in a PPA ad without the creator’s permission.”
Oh, that it were that simple.
PPA is an organization with a board of directors. Click here to see who they are. There used to be comfort in this knowledge. You know, a bunch of people in leadership all exercising their first amendment right of discussion and debate to bring about the best for the hard working people they serve. A back and forth of ideas. A balance of power that serves as a check on egos and agendas.
That’s the good stuff right there.
There’s comfort in the good stuff.
But all that has changed.
No, kids, what is happening within the ranks of this multi-million dollar non-profit organization is nothing less than a coup. Despite being asked repeatedly for an explanation, PPA isn’t talking. What’s more, they are deleting the comments of those who ask.
So, allow me to harness my inner Nancy Drew and review what we KNOW of this mystery. ( As a kid, I was an avid Nancy Drew reader. I have the entire collection. Before Nancy did her sleuthing, she would always change her shoes. She would slip out of her high-heeled pumps and put on her sensible flats. Rest assured, I am writing this while wearing slippers, so I am ON THE CASE.)
We know that Allison English Watkins, the current Vice President of PPA, was voted to the next chair position of President in an October 2024 vote. The current treasurer, Pete Rezac, was to be her incoming Vice President. Each officer was running unopposed. Not much to see here, right? Get it? Got it? Good.
But then, in a plot twist worthy of a made-for-tv movie, a “special election” is held a month later. Technically, 2 additional elections were held to make sure the incoming President and Vice President weren’t elected. (Still have not been able to obtain the minutes to those meetings, although sources say the minutes are, themselves, incomplete.)
By the last “special election,” the people in power calling for the special elections got what they wanted, namely, the incoming President and VP voted out. It was a stunning turn of events.
The kind of dizzying turnabout that makes you think, “Did I dream this?”
Now, I know what you’re probably thinking, because I thought it, too, upon hearing this news: what on earth did these two people do to warrant this level of election manipulation to stop them from serving as President and VP? I mean, I consider these folks to be good people. Nice, helpful, positive. They aren’t new to the industry or PPA. They’ve paid their dues on the board.
What on earth did they do to warrant this coup?
Did they shoot puppies?
Did they eat egg salad and then chew with their mouths open during meetings?
Did they not pucker up when butts were presented?
Did they insult someone, saying, “Your mother is a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries?”
Did they refuse to wear pink on Wednesdays?
Did they stand on the table and scream, “WE ARE THE CAPTAINS NOW.”
We don’t know, because again, neither the board of PPA, nor the CEO, David Trust, is talking. Zero answers. Zero transparency. Zero accountability. When asked for an explanation by a PPA Council member, the current PPA President, Mark Campbell said something about “reading the minutes.”
Of course, none of us can find the minutes. And really, why bother reading untrustworthy minutes?
I’d rather read the National Enquirer.
And, speaking of the PPA President, inquiring minds want to know who that is going to be next year? When they oust the incoming president, she has to be replaced by someone. Certainly they aren’t keeping the SAME president for next year, right? Right? RIGHT????
And the longer the Chairman of the Board, the President, and the CEO go without an explanation; the longer it takes for them to explain to their members what and why this is happening, the worse it looks. And the more we are all left to make our own assumptions. Oh boy. Assumptions, well, they are never good things. But, people will naturally make them, which is why it’s good to get ahead of a problem or issue with full transparency in the name of truth.
But since NOBODY on PPA’s leadership team is talking, what choice do we have?
So, with that in mind, permit me, if you will, to give you my assumption as to what is going on at the highest levels at PPA. I’m not saying I’m right. Actually, I would be very very happy to be wrong. Like, ecstatic.
But kids…mama pays attention.
So, here we go…
To begin with, I believe in PPA.
Well, I believe in what PPA used to be, and what it COULD be again with the right leadership and the right mission. I mean, there's the mission on the PPA website, and then there's the "hidden mission." Mind you, this is an organization born not of a magazine, nor of one person's ego, nor of greed, but of a sincere desire to support working photographers. (And I mean no disrespect to Steve Sheanin. When WPPI finally found its footing, it was a delight to attend. They kind of shook up PPA, who at the time, had become a little TOO rigid. It was good for both organizations. What’s more, I will fight the person who didn’t like Bill Hurter. I mean, full on Mike Tyson.)
And I hold firm to the belief that PPA is still our best hope to preserve integrity, ethics and responsibility for an ailing industry. But ONLY if their leadership exhibits the SAME traits. And right now, not only does it appear that isn’t happening, but it seems to this girl that the people who call for it to happen are being removed from leadership positions.
So, the question becomes, why? Why go to all this trouble?
<hang on to something, kids>
I suspect PPA has an agenda at play here. And that agenda isn’t about supporting everyday professional photographers. Nope. The agenda falls outside the mission. I assume strings are being pulled in the name of many things: power, money, virtue signaling, self-righteousness…vindictiveness, even. Stacking leadership ranks with those who “get in line with the agenda”and kicking to the curb those who don’t. Making villains of those who desire to do things the RIGHT way and allowing the negative influence of some former PPA leaders to permeate the ranks; folks who view the industry through glasses of pettiness and toxicity.
”Pettiness and Toxicity.” GREAT band name. I call it!
This is some icky stuff, people. It would NEVER make it onto the Hallmark Channel. Not even if we made it Christmastime and threw in a prince looking for love in a small town.
Now, I realize this is not ALL of PPA. Of course not. It’s a big organization and there are some really fine, honest, human beings of character and integrity who make the wheels of that organization turn. I don’t ever want them lumped into this awfulness. They deserve our thanks for their time, their talent, their commitment and all the good they do.
I also realize some people don’t care about any of it. I get that. I think PPA is counting on it, actually.
In fact, I was asked by a lovely gentleman just yesterday, “Why does anyone care? Is there any benefit to PPA?” It’s a good question, deserving of an answer. So let me share with you what I shared with him.
I don't know why others care, but I will tell you why I do. Why I care A LOT.
I love this industry. I've been in it all my life. Yeah, I adore writing, as you all know, but even more than that, I love the hard working men and women who make their livings day in and day out with their cameras. They look to PPA for guidance. They give them their money. They deserve an organization that is there for them. Just them. No power trips, no egos, no agendas. Just to support professional photographers. They deserve to know their membership dues are going to GOOD and not lining the pockets of those in power. Or, those out of power who still want to be in power.
And I feel about the Professional Photographers of America the same way I feel when I walk into my child’s bedroom:
the place is a freaking mess, there’s dirty laundry on the floor, a stain on the carpet where she spilled her soda, three day old pizza on a plate trying to turn into penicillin, and there she stands, trying to convince me there’s nothing wrong with it.
I still love her with all my heart, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want it cleaned up.
So, to wrap this crazy, mysterious, assumption-filled article, thank you to the council members, staff, volunteers, committees, state affiliates and all the phenomenal men and women who devote themselves with integrity to PPA. You rock. Hard.
And may I take a moment to issue a heartfelt plea for someone on the PPA board to release a statement clarifying their actions, so 35,000 members don’t need to come up with 35,000 possibilities?
Otherwise, I’m going to have to buy a lot more Nancy Drew shoes.
Nancy Drew FTW!!! I hope you eventually get some good answers although I've been around enough orgs to know that may not be the case. So I wish the hardworking 35,000+ who are good hard working people all the luck they can get here.
Assumption-filled or innuendo?